Revisitation of the famous three pieces in collaboration with Michele Nardi. Casting 170 grams, length 4.60 meters.
With the use of the new Toray carbon, precisely called CC 206 Twill, we were able to include all the technology needed to be able to stay in the fishing properly and launch full throttle without any worries.
With its 170 grams of actual casting will certainly be appreciated for the qualities of launching, which to date prove unparalleled in this category of rods.
The length helps a lot in the execution of the side cast, which in no case requires a lot of strength.
Let's remember that there are not always clean beaches, which is essential for the execution of the ground cast, so a rod of this length will become our inseparable companion in all those situations that fall within the normal fishing from the beach and in rock fishing, where the long tool will help us not a little in the management of the prey.
Hybrid ring with eight rings perfect to match with any type of reel.