FALCON 90: Thin and sensitive, these are the most important skills when the goal is seabreams or giltheads.
FALCON 110: Powerful and sensitive rod which is able to handle 100 grams leads plus the bait. Seabreams and giltheads are the main opponents!
FALCON 130: When with “light” tools we cannot catch our beloved big size fishes, it is time to increase the weight of the lead and shooting all out.
FALCON 150: Sand Steenbras, Gilt-head Seabreams and Red Drums far from the shore? This is the rod for you!
FALCON 170: Rough sea, sea bass, white breams, conger eels and eels in the foam are not a problem for the Falcon 170.
FALCON 190: Thick lines, “Zero Bar” hooks, razor shells, mackerels, pyramid leads and spike are waiting for you!