Series of rods specifi cally designed for Popping, one of the most exciting techniques of off shore spinning that may lead to the capture of stunning fi sh, in the range of Tunas for the Mediterranean and in the family of Carangidae for warmer seas. In the fi rst case, it is the sudden run of fi sh to put under scrutiny the line and the rod’s strength, while in the second is the need to stop the fi sh immediately after the strike, to prevent it from gaining the bottom and cutting the line against the reef. The pressure generated by large Poppers in their typical walk on the water’s surface is little more than a tickle for these powerful tools. In fact, while showing a relatively fi ne profi le, the Giant Run Popping belong to the category of “extreme measures”, thanks to a blank made from CX Nano Carbon completely wrapped by carbon bands which counteract the deformations under load, eff ectively protecting it from sudden breakages. The SiC guides are all double-leg models, mounted on double wrappings to prevent their feet from coming into contact with the carbon of the blank, causing dangerous abrasions just when it is stretched to the maximum. The biggest one is fi tted upside down to reduce the risk of line tangles during the cast. The handle grip is made by high density EVA and ends with a gimbal butt; the strong reel seat is made of steel and graphite.