Thoroughly tested by Rapture experts in the Mediterranean, this rod series is openly dedicated to Eging, a branch of spinning which targets Cephalopods and that is getting increasingly popular. Each of the four models available reports on the butt the indication of the recommended lure size. Compared with Rip Tide rods, designed to handle jigs from # 3.5 to # 4.0, the Outlaw have a wider and lighter scope, ranging from Egi # 2.0 to # 3.5. For example, according to Japanese tradition, the unit of measurement of the jigs is the “sun” (about 3.03 cm), thus a jig identifi ed with size #2.0 is a little longer than 6 cm. Therefore, the Outlaw are indicated in favorable weather conditions and enable the use of the fi nest lines to face a more diffi cult fi shing. Reactivity and reliability are the credentials of the CX-1 Micro Pitch High Modulus carbon blank, which is further reinforced by carbon crossed bands in the handle area. The EVA splitted handle grip provides great comfort and cast control, and incorporates the Rapture graphite screw reel seat. The guides are long-legs type with SiC inner ring, and are suitable for braided lines use.