Ideal for all sailing and non-sailing boats. It integrates perfectly into the dashboard with a wire or bracket installation it is controlled via touchscreeno ZC1 - ZC2 controllers. Chartplotter with built-in 10 Hz GPS receiver and access to maps and updates via the built-in Wi-Fi integrated GoFree�. In addition to the "classic" graphic representations there are screens dedicated to those who love sailing. In these representations are included all the information such as wind speed compass Gps depth and many others.The internal sonar includes the CHIRP Broadband Sounder� and StructureScan� allow you to identify areas of interest dangerous for passage or suitable for fishing. The ForwardScan transducer integrates seamlessly with this instrument to show you what you're up against and help keep you safe.It integrates with autopilots such as the Nac-1/2/3 and allows for use over the NMEA2000 network. The Vulcan 9 has in addition an ethernet connector for the connection of Halo Broadband HD Radars. The software HEROiC offers a simple and intuitive interface and multiple functions allowing you to have everything under control in one screen by selecting or creating the most suitable layout for your needs. It is possible to superimpose the Downscan or Fowardscan line with the cartography use the instrument with simple multitouch commands on the touchscreen as if it were a tablet manage your routes or use the Autorouting function (with compatible cartography). It also integrates the multimedia management Sonic Hub2 or Fusion Link for entertainment on board displays engine data (for engines (for engines equipped with the appropriate modules) and more via the NMEA 2000� network. IPX7 waterproof MicroSD card reader 12 Vdc power supply. Connector forConnector for 9-pin transducers. 7-pin transducers require adapter cable Art. 5605252. Includes: Cover connector caps fuse fuse holder power cable bracket.