Without mincing words, the statement “Saltwater Hard Fighting Custom”, which is written on the body of these rods, is an open declaration of force. By all means, the structure of their blank is truly unbreakable, fi rst of all for the presence of reinforcing carbon bands, wound on the CX Nano Carbon blank, then for the one-piece confi guration, which involves the only separation of handle butt, as per standard concept in the best families of Big Game rods. The absence of joints leads to a perfect action curve, without any power loss, and the fi rst one to notice that is certainly the fi sh, which feels an irresistible and unremitting traction. Developed for sea spinning to Tunas and other fast running predators such as Bluefi sh and Leefi rsh, with the use of long jerk and casting jigs up to 160 grams in weight, it provides a very comfortable handle made from high density EVA, which incorporates a screw reel seat and ends with the classic gimbal butt. The reel seat position is quite high, with a long upper grip that facilitates the management of the more challenging fi ghts. The SiC guides have a single-leg frame with K profi le, which can prevent the genesis of line tangles, an increasingly happens since the braided lines have hit the world of sport fi shing. Only the stripper is a double leg model to stabilize the line coils when they run through. Double wrappings protect the blank from dangerous contact with guide’s feet.