The squid spinning with shrimp imitations is a sport well grown around the world. In Japanese language, the specific lures are called Egi, so the technique is known as Eging. And that’s the target of these nice Rip Tide rods: fast enough to easily cast and sensitive in the tip area to better manage the lure and detect the bites of Cuttlefish and Squid. Since the fishing line is mostly made of PE, a braided line devoid of any elasticity, the rod must absorb their fight, which is always quite energetic; here comes the structure of CX-1 Micro-Pitch high modulus carbon, whose reactivity can be programmed centimeter by centimeter. And a great power lies in the butt section, useful to face the typical problem of slack line caused by adverse wind conditions, which are not so rare in the cold months, when the Cephalopods are getting inshore. Starting from the bottom, up to a certain point above the reel seat, the handle is reinforced by crossed bands of carbon, just to upload power and return it for the projection of the jig at a great distance. The EVA split handle has a conical butt grip for perfect control and a fore grip that incorporates the low profile Rapture reel seat. Guides are long leg SiC quality.