Ideal for flavoring Pellets, Groundbaits and grains.
The introduction of Lava has created a buzz in the world of angling.
This additive creates a flavor around the bait, emanating carefully balanced perfumes and colors in the immediate vicinity.
The liquid itself is denser than water, which means it stays around the triggered area, keeping the affected fish where it is most important.
Its sticky consistency makes it perfect to cast and stays still until the bait reaches the bottom.
In a few minutes it begins to emit a rich scent and an attractive color.
Lava is available in a variety of flavors to meet various needs.
It's fast becoming a must-have product!
Available in different flavors:
Bloodworm Semi-liquid intensifier at Ver de vas. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the method it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
F1 F1 flavored brown semiliquid smoothener. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the method it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom.
F1 Green Liquid green flavored pitcher F1. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the method it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Pineapple Semi-liquid, yellow flavored aromatherapy with pineapple. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the method it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Krill Krill flavored semi-liquid aromatherapy. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the method it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
24/7 Semi-liquid bronze-colored pitcher flavored with the new "attraction 24/7 flavor". Ideal for multiple uses in both feeder and carpfishing. PVA compatible.
Code Red Semi-liquid, red flavored redener Code Red. Ideal for both feeder and carpfishing, it creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Cheesy Garlic Cheesy Garlic semiliquid yellow flavored pitcher. Ideal for multiple uses, if applied on the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Halibut Black semiliquid aromatherapy flavored with Halibut. Ideal for multiple uses. PVA compatible.
Spicy Sausage Spicy Sausage semiliquid red aromatherapy. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Berry Burst Creates a cloud of attraction of a purple color with a berry flavor. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Chocolate Orange Create an orange-flavored cloud of attraction with an orange-chocolate flavor. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Luncheon Meat Creates a cloud of pink-fleshed attraction. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Monster Crab Create a crab-like red cloud of attraction. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.
Sweetcorn Creates a cloud of attraction of yellow color to the taste of sweet corn. Ideal for multiple uses, when applied to the feeder creates a persistent attraction on the bottom. PVA compatible.