A complete and modern series by all means. First of all, the right lengths: no rodsunder four meters to follow the long hooklink’s trend. Secondly, the super slim profile,currently the most required, accompanied by solid carbon tips for the highest sensitivity.Finally, parabolic and super-parabolic actions, nowadays essential, and a sign ofattention to the matchman’s needs: just above the reel seat a window to write down by permanent marker the rig’s specifications,such as the sinker’s weight, its swimming attitude,the hook’s size and hooklink’s diameter.The SiC guides have the vibration free “Y” shaped frame, while the sliding ones fit into each other to protect the rod tip during transport. A package of features and performances offered at the right price, to allow everyone to face the lake trout competitions without investing a fortune, thus having spare financial resources to also buy Trabucco reels!